Cadastral/Neighborhood Map Address Search

Cadastral/Neighborhood Map Address Search

How do I use this search?
  • Type in a current-day street address into the search bar above. Our website will rectify the address against current-day street addresses and generate a list of suggestions.
  • IMPORTANT: You must select one of the suggested rectified addresses that populate below the search bar. You cannot type in an address in the form and hit return. You must select an address from the suggested results.
  • Historic or defunct street names cannot be recognized. You must use a modern day street address.

Which maps are not be searchable by street address?

  • We plan to make only cadastral and neighborhood map types searchable by street address. All other map types (index, city, county, state, country, railroad, etc.) will not be searchable by street address.
  • Our existing general search feature (at top right of any page of our website) remains the best way to locate non-address searchable maps in our collection.

Which maps are searchable by street address?

  • Currently, only the cadastral and neighborhood maps from the atlases listed below are searchable by street address.
  • Search results will be provided only for cadastral and neighborhood maps that we have made address searchable. We've created a collection of all currently address searchable maps with filters for sorting through them here.
  • We are continuously working to make more of our cadastral and neighborhood maps searchable by street address.
  • Cadastral and neighborhood maps from the following atlases are searchable: