Figures from the Book "Boston in Transit"


Below, we are making available fine art reproductions of selected figures from the book Boston in Transit. These include maps, views, photographs, tickets, schedules, time tables, ephemera, and other graphics featured in the book. While many images have been cropped for the book, each figure linked to below is presented in its original or complete aspect. Please note that not all figures from the book are available for reproduction.

Chapter 1: Making Connections: Early Public Transportation for Boston
1.1 Boston and the Shawmut Peninsula, 1775 (Map)
1.2 The Shawmut Peninsula in the 1600s (Printed View)
1.3 Mapping Boston’s First Public Ferries, 1728
1.5 Winnisimmet Ferry, 1856 (Printed View)
1.6 Boston and Environs, 1788 (Map)
1.7 The Charles River Bridge, 1789 (Printed View)
1.13 The West Boston Bridge, Circa Mid-1800 (Printed View)
1.14 Omnibus in Downtown Boston, Circa 1860s-70s (Photo)
1.20 West Side of Tremont Street, Early 1850s (Printed View)
1.21 East Side of Tremont Street, Early 1850s (Printed View)
1.22 Boston to Providence Railroad Survey, 1828 (Map)
1.23 Boston to Albany Railroad Survey, 1828 (Map)
1.24 Envisioning The Granite Railway, 1883 (Printed View)
1.25 The Granite Railway Incline Restored, 1934 (Photo)
1.26 The Granite Railway in Quincy (Drawing)
1.29 Boston & Maine Railroad Print Ad, 1861
1.30 Eastern Railroad Train, November 2, 1848 (Photo)
1.31 Boston & Maine Box Coach, Early 1860s (Photo)
1.33 Hinkley & Williams Works Print Ad, 1860
1.35 Boston & Worcester's Boston Depot, 1855 (Printed View)
1.37 Boston & Worcester Railroad Print Ad, 1864
1.38 Mapping Boston’s First Railroads, 1840
1.39 Steam Railroad Company Print Ad: Boston & Lowell 1852
1.39 Steam Railroad Company Print Ad: Eastern 1852
1.39 Steam Railroad Company Print Ad: Boston & Maine 1852
1.39 Steam Railroad Company Print Ad: Fitchburg 185
1.40 Mapping Boston's Connections, 1842 (Map)
1.41 Trains Crossing Boston’s Back Bay, 1835 (Printed View)
1.42 Pathfinder New England Railroad Map, 1849
1.44 Mapping Boston's Railroad Connections, 1857
1.45 Mapping the East Boston Ferries, 1850
1.48 Ferrying to East Boston, February 3, 1934 (Photo)
1.49 Boston Ferry Charles C. Donoghue, Circa 1950 (Photo)
1.51 Front Page News in 1856
1.52 Harvard Square, Circa 1858 (Photo)
1.53 Horsecar at Mount Auburn Cemetery, Circa 1860 (Photo)
1.55 Metropolitan Railroad Print Ad, 1858
1.56 Metropolitan Railroad Horsecar, Circa 1860s (Photo)
1.57 Horsecars on Tremont Street, 1856 (Printed View)
1.58 Bowdoin Square, April 25, 1857 (Printed View)
1.64 Boston Directory Map, 1857
1.65 Cambridge Almanac Map, 1856
1.66 Map of Railroads Serving Boston, 1846
1.69 Chase’s Railroad Map of Greater Boston, 1865
1.70 Chase’s Railroad Map of Boston, 1865
1.71 Closed-type Horsecar, Circa Mid-1890s (Photo)
1.72 Open-type Horsecar, Circa 1860–80 (Photo)

Chapter 2: Unification and Electrification: Trolleys Take Hold
2.2 Mapping the West End System, 1888
2.9 West End Bond Certificate, Circa 1900
2.10 Allston Power Station and Car House, Circa 1890 (Photo)
2.11 Boston’s Earliest Electric Streetcar, 1889 (Photo)
2.12 Future Site of the Central Power Station, 1874 (Map)
2.13 Mapping the Central Power Station, 1898
2.14 Central Power Station, Circa Late 1890s (Printed View)
2.15 Central Power Station Complex, 1925 (Photo)
2.16 Twenty-Foot Electric Streetcar, Circa 1892 (Photo)
2.17 West End Number 1 Streetcar, Circa 1892 (Photo)
2.18 West End Number 1 Streetcar, Circa 1891 (Photo)
2.19 BERy Number 3 Streetcar, Circa 1900 (Photo)
2.20 West End Twelve-Bench Streetcar, Circa 1890 (Photo)
2.21 West End Double-deck Streetcar, Circa 1891 (Photo)
2.22 BERy Articulated Car, 1912 (Photo)
2.23 Boarding a Snake Car at Harvard Square, 1912 (Photo)
2.24 BERy Birney Car #9024, August 2, 1920 (Photo)
2.25 West End Parlor Car #924, 1896 (Photo)
2.26 Interior of West End Parlor Car #924, 1896
2.27 BERy Parlor Car #101, Circa 1905 (Photo)
2.28 Interior of BERy Parlor Car #101, Circa 1905 (Photo)
2.29 BERy Snow Plow #101, Circa 1900 (Photo)
2.30 BERy Employees at Grove Hall, Circa 1890s (Photo)
2.32 Building a Power Station, December 17, 1908 (Photo)
2.33 Lincoln Wharf Power Station, December 17, 1908 (Photo)
2.35 Semi-convertible Streetcar, March 11, 1914 (Photo)
2.36 BERy Semi-convertible Streetcar #5453 (Photo)
2.37 Semi-convertible Streetcar, September 7, 1911 (Photo)
2.38 Interior of BERy Center-entrance Trailer #7001 (Photo)
2.39 BERy Center-entrance Streetcars, 1927 (Photo)
2.40 Center-entrance Streetcars, 1941 (Photo)
2.41 Copley Square, Circa Late 1890s (Photo)
2.42 BERy Mail Car #410, Circa 1905 (Photo)
2.43 U.S. Mail Wagon and Streetcar, May 6, 1907 (Photo)
2.45 The West End System, December 19, 1891 (Map)
2.46 Harvard Bridge, 1905 (Photo Postcard View)
2.47 West End Track Plan Sheet Number 17, 1892
2.53 Derrah’s Street Railway Map, 1896
2.60 Trolley Routes in New England, 1905
2.62 Norumbega Park, 1917 (Map)

Chapter 3: America's First Subway
3.1 Front Page News, August 31, 1895
3.2 Horse Railroad Lines in Downtown Boston, 1880 (Map)
3.4 Horse Railroad Lines in Downtown Boston, 1865 (Map)
3.5 Scollay’s Buildings, North Side, Circa 1860 (Photo)
3.6 Scollay Square and Tremont Street, 1874 (Map)
3.7 Streetcar Blockade, July 12, 1895 (Photo)
3.8 The “Congested District” of Boston, March 1892 (Map)
3.9 Proposed Elevated Railroad for Boston, 1892 (Map)
3.10 Proposed Transit Improvements, 1892 (Map)
3.11 Proposed Rapid Transit Routes for Boston, 1897 (Map)
3.13 BERy Stock Certificate, 1900
3.15 Proposed Route of Subway, August 1895 (Map)
3.16 Streetcar Counts, December 10, 1894 (Map)
3.18 The Tremont Street Subway, 1898 (Map)
3.19 Drawings of Subway Section 1, March 1895 (A/E Drawing)
3.20 Park Street Station, July 28, 1896 (Photo)
3.21 Construction at Boylston Street Station, 1896 (Photo)
3.22 Under Boston Common, April 24, 1896 (Photo)
3.23 Construction Sequence at Tremont Street, 1897 (A/E Drawing)
3.24 Tremont Street, June 2, 1896 (Photo)
3.25 Scollay Square, July 15, 1897 (Photo)
3.26 Construction Sequence at Scollay Square, 1897 (A/E Drawing)
3.27 Under Hanover Street, December 31, 1896 (Photo)
3.28 Tremont Street Subway Section 4, 1896 (A/E Drawing)
3.29 Bell Mouths at Subway Section 4, 1898 (Photo)
3.30 Cross-Section at Tremont Street, 1898 (A/E Drawing)
3.31 Park Street Station Site, November 27, 1896 (Photo)
3.32 “When the Subway’s Done!” 1895 (Printed Views)
3.33 Under Boston Common, October 28, 18956 (Photo)
3.34 Explosion at Boylston Street, March 9, 18976 (Photo)
3.37 Top of the Public Garden Incline, 1898 (Photo)
3.40 Four-track Portion of the Subway, Circa 1900 (Postcard View)
3.41 Park Street Station Head Houses, Circa 1900 (Postcard View)
3.45 Pleasant Street Incline, 1897 (Photo)
3.46 Pleasant Street Incline, March 3, 1903 (Photo)
3.48 Mapping the Tremont Street Subway, 1898
3.49 Boylston Street Station Head Houses, 1897 (Photo)
3.50 Boylston Street Station, 1898 (A/E Drawing)
3.51 Inside Boylston Street Station, 1897 (Photo)
3.52 Park Street Station Head Houses, 1897 (Photo)
3.53 Inside Park Street Station, 1897 (Photo)
3.54 Park Street Station Plan 1898 (A/E Drawing)
3.56 Scollay Square Station Main Head House, 1898 (Photo)
3.57 Scollay Square Station Plan, 1898 (A/E Drawing)
3.58 Adams Square Station Plan, 1898 (A/E Drawing)
3.59 Inside Scollay Square Station, 1898 (Photo)
3.60 Inside Adams Square Station, 1898 (Photo)
3.61 Adams Square Station Head House, 1898 (Photo)
3.62 Haymarket Square Station Plan, 1898 (A/E Drawing)
3.63 Inside Haymarket Square Station, 1898 (Photo)
3.64 Haymarket Square Station Head House, 1898 (Photo)
3.65 Haymarket Square, February 8, 1897 (Photo)
3.66 The Northern End of the Subway, 1898 (Map)
3.67 Northern End of the Subway, September 9, 1898 (Photo)
3.68 Steelwork at Haymarket Portal, May 23,1898 (Photo)
3.69 Canal Street Area, December 19, 1898 (Photo)
3.70 Tremont Street After the Subway, Circa 1900 (Postcard View)
3.71 Destination Indicator Boards, Circa 1899 (Photo)
3.74 Boston’s Streetcar Network, January 1, 1898 (Map)

Chapter 4: Grand Terminals for Commuters
4.1 Boston's Steam Railroad Terminals, 1865 (Map)
4.2 Boston’s Passenger Terminals, 1856 (Printed View)
4.9 Boston & Lowell Railroad Map, 1847 (Map)
4.10 Boston & Lowell Railroad Survey, 1836 (Map)
4.11 Railroad Depots on Causeway Street, Circa 1868 (Photo)
4.12 Boston & Lowell Boston Depot, Circa 1875 (Postcard View)
4.13 Boston & Lowell Passenger Depot, Circa 1880 (Photo)
4.14 Boston & Lowell Terminal Train Hall, Circa 1880 (Photo)
4.15 Mapping the Boston & Lowell Railroad, 1886
4.19 Map of the Eastern Railroad, 1860
4.20 The Eastern’s “Cape Ann,” October 20, 1860 (Photo)
4.22 The Fitchburg’s Castle Terminal, Circa 1870 (Photo)
4.23 Fitchburg Railroad Timetable Cover, 1895
4.24 Fitchburg Railroad Timetable Map, 1898
4.26 Boston & Maine Railroad Ad, 1852
4.27 Boston & Maine Railroad Map, 1852
4.28 Haymarket Square, 1890 (Photo)
4.29 Causeway Street, August 12, 1884 (Photo)
4.30 Boston’s Northern Railroad Depots, 1874 (Map)
4.31 Proposed North Union Station, 1892 (A/E Drawing)
4.32 The Boston & Maine’s Union Station, 1894 (Printed View)
4.34 Main Entrance of Union Station, Circa 1895 (Photo)
4.35 Eastern Tower of Union Station, Circa 1910 (Postcard View)
4.37 Union Station Concourse, Circa 1910s (Photo)
4.38 Union Station Concourse, February 1, 1927 (Photo)
4.39 Union Station Track 13 Departure Boards, 1914 (Photo)
4.40 Boston & Maine Coach #749, 1912 (Photo)
4.41 Boston & Maine Coach #840, Circa 1940 (Photo)
4.42 North Station, Circa 1930 (Postcard View)
4.43 The Boston & Maine Railroad, 1901 (Map)
4.44 Plan of North Station Terminal, 1928 (A/E Drawing)
4.45 Boston & Maine Timetable Cover, 1943
4.49 Mapping Transit at North Station, 1928 (Map)
4.50 Boston & Maine RDC-1 #6100, 1952 (Photo)
4.51 Interior of Boston & Maine RDC-1 #6100, 1952 (Photo)
4.52 Boston & Maine RDC-2 #6201 (Photo)
4.54 Boston & Maine RDCs at North Station, 1961 (Photo)
4.55 Boston & Providence Depot, Circa 1860 (Photo)
4.57 Park Square Passenger Station, Circa 1880 (Postcard View)
4.59 Park Square Terminal, Circa 1871 (Photo)
4.60 Park Square Train Shed, Circa 1880s (Photo)
4.61 Park Square Train Hall, Circa 1880s (Photo)
4.62 Locomotive “Governor Bradford,” 1845 (Photo)
4.63 Old Colony Locomotive #2 (Photo)
4.64 Old Colony List of Fares, Circa Late 1860s (Print Ad)
4.65 Passenger Terminals at Kneeland Street, 1874 (Map)
4.66 Old Colony’s Kneeland Street Terminal, 1890 (Photo)
4.69 Old Colony Railroad Timetable Cover, 1881
4.70 Old Colony Railroad South Shore Map, 1888
4.71 Old Colony Railroad Timetable Map, 1891 (Map)
4.72 Boston & Albany Kneeland Street Depot, 1889 (Printed View)
4.73 Boston & Albany Terminal, June 9, 1898 (Photo)
4.74 Boston & Albany Terminal, June 9, 1898 (Photo)
4.75 Boston & Albany Timetable Cover, 1904
4.76 New York & New England Timetable Cover, 1895
4.77 New York & New England Depot, Circa Late 1880s (Photo)
4.79 Boston’s Railroad Passenger Terminals, 1880 (Map)
4.80 Huntington Avenue Station (Postcard View)
4.81 Trinity Place Station, Circa 1950 (Photo)
4.82 Back Bay Railroad Stations, 1900 (Map)
4.89 Back Bay Station Facade, October 1979 (Photo)
4.89 Back Bay Track Boards, October 1979 (Photo)
4.90 Proposed South Union Station, 1892 (A/E Drawing)
4.91 Boston Terminal Co. Bond Certificate, 1897
4.92 Layers at South Station Site, Dec. 1899 (Map)
4.93 South Station Site Before, 1890 (Map)
4.94 South Station Site After, 1902 (Map)
4.95 South Station and Dewey Square, Circa 1901 (Postcard View)
4.96 Plan of South Station, December 1, 1899 (A/E Drawing)
4.103 Coaches Under the Great Shed, Circa 1930 (Photo)
4.104 Basement Plan of South Station, Circa 1900 (A/E Drawing)
4.105 South Station from Above, 1929 (Photo)
4.106 New Haven Eastern District Timetable, 1899
4.109 Bird’s Eye View of Boston, 1899 (Map)
4.110 South Station, Circa 1904 (Photo)
4.112 BRB&L Locomotive #2 with Coach, 1875 (Photo)
4.113 BRB&L Ferry “Dartmouth,” Undated Image (Postcard View)
4.114 BRB&L Timetable Number 139, 1939
4.115 BRB&L Rowe’s Wharf Ferry Terminal, Circa 1910 (Photo)
4.116 BRB&L Ferry at East Boston, 1922 (Photo)
4.117 BRB&L East Boston Ferry Slips, Circa Late 1930s (Photo)
4.118 BRB&L East Boston Facilities, Circa 1930s (Photo)
4.119 BRB&L East Boston Terminal, Circa 1930s (Photo)
4.120 BRB&L East Boston Train Sheds, Circa 1940 (Photo)
4.121 BRB&L Electric Train, 1929 (Photo)

Chapter 5: Rapid Transit Takes Shape
5.1 The Meigs Elevated Railway, 1886 (Newspaper)
5.2 The East Boston Suspension Railway, 1835 (A/E Drawing)
5.4 The Meigs Elevated Railway, Circa 1886 (Photo)
5.5 Team Meigs and Their Train, Circa 1886 (Photo)
5.7 Old and New Spans Over the Charles, 1900 (Photo)
5.8 The Charlestown Bridge Draw Turntable, 1899 (Photo)
5.9 The Charlestown Bridge, June 3, 1901 (Photo)
5.10 The Charlestown Bridge, 1899 (A/E Drawing)
5.11 Mapping the East Boston Tunnel, 1901 (Map)
5.12 Constructing the East Boston Tunnel, 1901 (A/E Drawing)
5.13 East Boston Tunnel Roof Shield, Nov. 22, 1900 (Photo)
5.14 Tunnel Air Locks, March 17, 1903 (Photo)
5.15 Digging the East Boston Tunnel, 1901 (Photo)
5.16 East Boston Tunnel Portal, Circa 1905 (Postcard View)
5.17 Maverick Square, East Boston, Circa 1905 (Postcard View)
5.18 Streetcars at Maverick Square, Circa 1905 (Postcard View)
5.20 Atlantic Avenue Station, November 16, 1908 (Photo)
5.21 Atlantic Avenue and State Street Stations, 1905 (Photo)
5.22 Devonshire Street Station, May 14, 1905 (Photo)
5.23 Court Street Station, Circa 1905 (Postcard View)
5.24 Proposed Plan of Court Street Station, 1903 (A/E Drawing)
5.25 Court Street Station Head House, 1904 (Photo)
5.26 Scollay Under Station, January 31, 1916 (Photo)
5.27 Bowdoin Station, January 31, 1916 (Photo)
5.28 Cambridge Street Incline, 1915 (Photo)
5.30 East Boston Tunnel Type 1 Car, Circa 1923 (Photo)
5.31 East Boston Tunnel Type 2 Cars, Circa 1951 (Photo)
5.32 Maverick Square Station, January 31, 1925 (A/E Drawing)
5.33 Maverick Station Head House, 1925 (Photo)
5.34 Maverick Station Head House Interior, 1925 (Photo)
5.35 Mapping the BERy’s Elevated Division, 1905
5.36 Elevated Type 1 Rapid Transit Car #01, 1900 (Photo)
5.37 Elevated Type 1 Car #0103, June 26, 1902 (Photo)
5.38 Park Street Station, August 5, 1901 (Photo)
5.39 Boylston Street Station, November 12, 1908 (A/E Drawing)
5.40 Park Street Station, Circa 1901 (Photo)
5.41 The Haymarket Incline, July 19, 1901 (Photo)
5.42 Pleasant Street Station, July 2, 1901 (Photo)
5.43 Downtown Boston Rapid Transit Lines, 1902 (Map)
5.44 Rapid Transit at Causeway Street, 1902 (Map)
5.45 North Station on the El, December 2, 1907 (Photo)
5.46 View from Causeway Street, June 13, 1901 (Photo)
5.47 Thompson Square Station, April 1, 1902 (Photo)
5.48 City Square Station, September 20, 1898 (A/E Drawing)
5.49 City Square Station, May 31, 1901 (Photo)
5.50 Sullivan Square Terminal, May 25, 1908 (Photo)
5.51 Sullivan Square Street-level Plan, June 1906 (A/E Drawing)
5.52 Street-Level at the Terminal, June 24, 1901 (Photo)
5.53 Sullivan Square Second Floor Plan, June 1902 (A/E Drawing)
5.54 Transferring at Sullivan Square, July 26, 1901 (Photo)
5.55 Sullivan Square Second Floor, July 26, 1901 (Photo)
5.56 Under the Terminal’s Shed, August 13, 1901 (Photo)
5.57 Newsstands on the Second Level (Photo)
5.58 Rear of Sullivan Square Terminal, Circa 1910 (Postcard View)
5.59 Sullivan Square Terminal, Circa 1901 (Postcard View)
5.60 Behind Sullivan Square Terminal, May 9, 1901 (Photo)
5.61 A Renovated Second Level, March 1, 1913 (A/E Drawing)
5.62 Streetcar Departure Boards, July 16, 1913 (Photo)
5.63 Transit Infrastructure at Sullivan Square, 1912 (Map)
5.64 Everett Terminal, March 12, 1919 (Photo)
5.65 Everett Terminal, May 6, 1963 (Photo)
5.66 Erecting the Elevated, November 1, 1899 (Photo)
5.67 Northampton Station, May 3, 1901 (Photo)
5.68 Designing Dudley Street, October 25, 1898 (A/E Drawing)
5.69 Street-level at Dudley Street, April 29, 1910 (A/E Drawing)
5.70 Dudley Street Terminal Plan, June 1906 (A/E Drawing)
5.71 Rapid Transit Train Hall, May 3, 1901 (Photo)
5.72 Rapid Transit at Dudley Terminal, May 3, 1901 (Photo)
5.73 Upper Level Newsstand, November 5, 1902 (Photo)
5.74 Boarding a Trolley At Dudley Street, 1920 (Photo)
5.75 Dudley Street Terminal, Circa 1902 (Postcard View)
5.76 Dudley Street Station, September 20, 1910 (Photo)
5.77 Upper Level Trolley Platform, 1920 (Photo)
5.79 Egleston Square Station, October 23, 1908 (Photo)
5.80 Forest Hills, August 5, 1910 (Photo)
5.81 Rapid Transit Through Downtown Boston, 1904 (Map)
5.82 Washington Street Tunnel Cross-section, 1906 (A/E Drawing)
5.83 Washington Street Tunnel Cross-section, 1905 (A/E Drawing)
5.84 Order of Main Line Stations Sign, Circa 1920
5.85 Stations at Haymarket Square, 1909 (A/E Drawing)
5.86 Milk Station, 1909 (Photo)
5.87 State Station, Circa 1910 (Postcard View)
5.88 The Architecture of Summer Station, 1907 (A/E Drawing)
5.89 Winter Station, 1909 (Photo)
5.90 Essex Station, 1909 (Photo)
5.92 Rapid Transit in Downtown, June 30, 1909 (Map)
5.93 Battery Street Station, 1901 (Photo)
5.94 State Street Station on the El, November 7, 1901 (Photo)
5.95 Atlantic Avenue at Rowe’s Wharf, April 17, 1901 (Photo)
5.96 South Station on the El, September 14, 1939 (Photo)
5.97 Beach Street El Station, February 18, 1909 (Photo)
5.98 The Atlantic Avenue Elevated, 1932 (Photo)
5.99 Mapping the Molasses Tank and the El, 1917
5.100 Damage to the El, January 15, 1919 (Photo)
5.101 Aftermath of The Flood, January 15, 1919 (Photo)
5.102 Scrapping the Atlantic Avenue Elevated, 1942 (Photo)
5.103 Haymarket Incline, January 27, 1922 (Photo)
5.104 North Station West, June 6, 1912 (Photo)
5.105 East Cambridge Viaduct, Circa 1912 (Postcard View)
5.106 Lechmere Terminal, June 7, 1922 (Photo)
5.108 Above Central Station, Cambridge, June 1912 (Photo)
5.109 Harvard Station, 1912 (A/E Drawing)
5.110 Harvard Station Head House, December 13, 1913 (Photo)
5.112 Rapid Transit Train Unloading Platform, 1912 (Photo)
5.113 Upper Streetcar Platform, March 20, 1913 (Photo)
5.114 Lower Streetcar Platform, March 5, 1912 (Photo)
5.115 Transit Facilities at Harvard Square, 1916 (Map)
5.117 Stadium Station, Circa 1920s–30s (Photo)
5.118 Mapping Bennett-Eliot Facilities, 1929 (A/E Drawing)
5.119 Old and New Bridges to Cambridge, 1907 (Photo)
5.120 Elevation and Plan of New West Boston Bridge, 1907 (A/E Drawing)
5.121 Excavating the Beacon Hill Tunnel, June 29, 1910 (Photo)
5.122 Park Street Under, 1912 (Photo)
5.123 Charles Station Design Proposal, Circa 1930 (Printed View)
5.124 Cambridge-Dorchester Type 1 Car, 1911 (Photo)
5.125 Cambridge-Dorchester Type 1 Car Interior, 1911 (Photo)
5.126 Summer Street Above Washington Station, 1913 (Photo)
5.127 Cross-section of Washington Station, 1913 (A/E Drawing)
5.128 Washington Station, 1915 (Photo)
5.129 Entrance to South Station Under, 1917 (Photo)
5.130 South Station Under Concourse, 1917 (Photo)
5.131 Digging Beneath the Channel, 1916 (A/E Drawing) (tbs)
5.132 Broadway Station Plan, 1916 (A/E Drawing) (tbs)
5.133 Street-level at Broadway Station, 1917 (Photo)
5.134 Broadway Station, December 15, 1917 (Photo)
5.135 Andrew Square Station, 1916 (A/E Drawing) (tbs)
5.136 Erecting Andrew Square, November 24, 1917 (Photo)
5.137 Boston Transit Commission Map, 1917
5.138 Mapping the BERy’s System, January 1916
5.139 Rapid Transit Lines, December 31, 1925 (Map)
5.141 Columbia Station, 1927 (Photo)
5.142 Savin Hill Station, 1927 (Photo)
5.143 Fields Corner Station, 1927 (A/E Drawing)
5.144 Fields Corner Station, 1927 (Photo)
5.145 Fields Corner Station Interior, 1927 (Photo)
5.146 Shawmut Station, May 26, 1927 (Photo)
5.147 Ashmont Station, December 31, 1928 (A/E Drawing)
5.148 Ashmont Station, 1928 (Photo)
5.149 Inside Ashmont Station, 1928 (Photo)
5.150 Ashmont Parking Lot and Busway, 1928 (Photo)
5.151 Cambridge-Dorchester Order of Stations Sign
5.152 Cambridge-Dorchester Type 3 Car Interior, 1937 (Photo)
5.153 Cambridge-Dorchester Type 3 Car, 1922 (Photo)

Chapter 6: Pocket Maps and Transit Improvements in the Early 20th Century
6.1 Vest Pocket Map of Boston, 1900
6.3 Vest Pocket Map of Boston, 1905
6.4 Newman the Shoeman Map of Boston, 1899
6.5 The Boylston Street Subway, June 30, 1912 (Map)
6.6 The Incline at Kenmore Street, October 2, 1914 (Photo)
6.7 The Boylston Street Incline, 1912 (Photo)
6.8 Copley Station Eastbound, 1915 (Photo)
6.9 Copley Station Westbound, 1915 (Photo)
6.10 Massachusetts Station, November 28, 1919 (Photo)
6.11 Streetcar Transfer Area, November 28, 1919 (Photo)
6.12 Massachusetts Station, November 28, 1919 (Photo)
6.13 Newbury Street Entrance, Circa 1920s (Photo)
6.14 Mezzanine Level at Arlington Station, 1921 (Photo)
6.15 Platform Level at Arlington Station, 1921 (Photo)
6.16 Proposed Subway to Post Office Square, 1913 (A/E Drawing)
6.17 Type 5 Streetcar #5507, November 23, 1922 (Photo)
6.18 MTA Type 5 Streetcar Specifications, 1948 (A/E Drawing)
6.19 Future Rapid Transit Routes for Boston, 1926 (Map)
6.20 Proposed Rapid Transit Improvements, 1926 (Map)
6.21 From East Boston to Brighton, 1926 (Map)
6.22 Kenmore Square, Circa 1930 (Postcard View)
6.23 Kenmore Square, Circa 1940 (Postcard View)
6.26 Governor Square, 1928 (Map)
6.27 Kenmore Square, 1938 (Map)
6.29 Park Street Station Points of Interest Board, Circa 1930 (Photo)
6.30 Huntington Avenue Subway Site, May 16, 1940 (Photo)
6.31 Mechanics Station, December 29, 1943 (Photo)
6.32 Renaming Mechanics Station, December 3, 1964 (Photo)
6.33 Symphony Station, Circa 1941 (Photo)
6.34 Milton Railroad Depot, December 27, 1927 (Photo)
6.35 Milton Streetcar Stop, April 21, 1930 (Photo)
6.36 Central Avenue Railroad Depot, January 19, 1928 (Photo)
6.37 Central Avenue Streetcar Station, 1932 (Photo)
6.38 New Haven Railroad in Dorchester, 1924 (Map)
6.39 Mattapan Railroad Depot, August 29, 1929 (Photo)
6.40 Mattapan Terminal, 1930 (Photo)
6.41 Mattapan Terminal, December 31, 1929 (A/E Drawing)
6.42 Mattapan Terminal Building, 1929 (Photo)
6.43 BERy PCC Car #3190, 1945 (Photo)
6.44 Inside BERy PCC Car #3190, 1945 (Photo)
6.45 Front End of PCC Car #3190, 1945 (Photo)
6.46 BERy Guide And Information Cover, 1930
6.47 Rapid Transit Lines of the BERy, 1930 (Map)
6.48 BERy Guide and Information Map, 1930
6.49 BERy Transit Map for Central Boston, 1930
6.50 UERL London Underground Map, 1911
6.51 London Underground Railway Map Number 1, 1935
6.52 Boston System Route Map Covers, 1936–64 (Composite)
6.53 BERy System Route Map Number 1, 1936
6.55 BERy System Route List, 1936
6.56 BERy System Route Map Seventh Ed., 1946
6.57 MTA’s System Route Map First Ed., 1949
6.62 BERy “Ride the EL” Print Ads, 1930
6.63 “Ride the ‘EL’” Print Ad, 1946
6.71 BERy Travel Information Map, July 1941
6.72 BERy Brochure Cover, 1929
6.74 BERy Preparedness Brochure (Side A), June 1942
6.74 BERy Preparedness Brochure (Side B), June 1942
6.75 MTRC Air View Map, 1945
6.78 Cambridge-Dorchester Car #0670, July 25, 1961 (Photo)

Chapter 7: Catching the Bus
7.1 Mapping the BERy’s Earliest Bus Routes, 1925
7.2 The Lynn & Boston Railroad, March 1896 (Map)
7.3 B&N / Old Colony St. Ry. Trolley Trips Brochure, Circa 1910
7.4 The Bay State’s Trolley Trips Brochure Cover, 1911
7.4 The Bay State’s Trolley Trips Brochure Map, 1911
7.6 Bay State Trolley Trips Map, 1912
7.7 Bay State’s Trolley Trips Map, 1916
7.9 Eighty Years of Progress on the Eastern Mass, 1941
7.10 Boston’s Jitney Routes, August 22, 1919 (Map)
7.11 “Ride All Day for $1” Brochure Cover, 1933
7.11 “Ride All Day for $1” Brochure Cover, 1934
7.11 “Ride All Day for $1” Brochure Cover, 1935
7.11 “Ride All Day for $1” Brochure Cover, 1936
7.11 “Ride All Day for $1” Brochure Cover, 1930s
7.12 Eastern Mass Guide Map, 1935
7.13 Eastern Mass Brochure, Circa 1940
7.14 Eastern Mass Street Railway Co. Map, Circa 1940
7.15 Eastern Mass Marketing Mailer Map, 1945
7.19 The BERy’s First Bus, 1922 (Photo)
7.20 Inside the BERy’s First Bus, February 7, 1922 (Photo)
7.21 Seating in the BERy’s First Bus, 1922 (Photo)
7.22 Bus at Union Square Car House, Somerville, 1926 (Photo)
7.23 Co-operation Masthead, 1925
7.24 Co-operation Masthead, 1928–29
7.25 Arborway Garage, Circa Early to Mid-1930s (Photo)
7.26 Bartlett Street Garage, Roxbury, 1936 (Photo)
7.27 BERy Bus Garages, September 1932 (Photo)
7.28 Cover of Boston Elevated Railway Guide and Information Book, 1926
7.29 Portable Map of the BERy System, 1926
7.30 BERy Double-deck Bus, March 1924 (Photo)
7.31 BERy Deluxe Service Bus, 1928 (Photo)
7.32 Interior of a BERy Deluxe Service Bus, 1928 (Photo)
7.33 Early BERy Mack-built Bus, Circa 1930 (Photo)
7.34 BERy Charter Bus Brochure Cover, Circa 1930s
7.34 BERy Charter Bus Brochure, Circa 1930s
7.35 BERy Gas-electric Bus #910, February 1929 (Photo)
7.36 Trackless Trolley in Harvard Square, June 1, 1936 (Photo)
7.37 BERy Trackless Trolley #8113, Circa 1940 (Photo)
7.38 Mapping the BERy’s Trolley Bus Routes, 1937
7.39 Trackless Trolley at Harvard Station, May 4, 1938 (Photo)
7.40 Sullivan Square Station, December 11, 1946 (Photo)
7.50 Night Car Service Diagram, November 18, 1909
7.52 BERy Schedules of Night Service, January 1939
7.53 BERy Schedules of “Owl” Service, May 1947
7.56 Boston & Maine Motor Coach Timetable, 1926
7.57 Boston & Maine Timetable, 1941
7.58 Boston & Maine Transp. Co. Bus Schedule, 1932
7.58 Boston & Maine Transp. Co. Bus Schedule Map, 1932
7.59 New England Transportation Co. Brochure Cover, 1927
7.59 New England Transportation Co. Brochure Map, 1927
7.60 New England Transportation Co. Schedule, 1934
7.62 MTA Bus #2148, May 21, 1956 (Photo)
7.63 Interior of MTA Bus #2138, November 19, 1955 (Photo)
7.64 MTA Bus #2294, July 12, 1957 (Photo)
7.66 MBTA “Fishbowl” Bus #5718, 1980 (Photo)
7.67 MBTA Bus #7516 at Lynn Garage, Circa 1980s (Photo)
7.70 Surface Lines Schedules North, Spring 1958
7.74 MBTA Bus #6522 at Everett Shops, October 1966 (Photo)
7.75 50 Years of Bus Transit in Boston (Side A), 1972 (Brochure)
7.75 50 Years of Bus Transit in Boston (Side B), 1972 (Brochure)
7.76 MBTA Mini Bus, Circa 1974 (Photo)
7.77 MBTA Cambridge Mini Bus Timetable, 1975
7.78 MBTA Mini Bus Brochure (Jamaica Plain), 1973
7.78 MBTA Mini Bus Brochure (Somerville), 1973
7.79 MBTA 4000-series Trackless Trolley, Circa 1976 (Photo)

Chapter 8: The Rise and Fall of the MTA
8.1 MTA Sixteenth Annual Report Cover, 1962
8.2 Metropolitan Transit Authority Logo, 1947
8.3 MTA Map Logo with Slogan, 1948
8.4 MTA Map Logo on PCC Streetcar, 1947 (Photo)
8.5 Proposed Streetcar Subway Expansion, 1947
8.6 MTA Airport Bus Service Brochure Side A, Circa 1948
8.6 MTA Airport Bus Service Brochure Side B, Circa 1948
8.7 Mapping the Revere Extension, 1954
8.8 East Boston Tunnel Type 3 Cars, August 4, 1951 (Photo)
8.9 Airport Station Busway, January 8, 19527 (Photo)
8.10 Day Square Station Busway, January 8, 19527 (Photo)
8.11 Day Square Station, January 8, 19527 (Photo)
8.12 Inside Orient Heights Shops, February 12, 1952 (Photo)
8.13 Orient Heights Eastern Busway, January 16, 1952 (Photo)
8.14 Orient Heights Station, January 11, 1952 (Photo)
8.16 Wonderland Amusement Park, Circa 1910 (Postcard View)
8.17 A New Order of Stations, January 3, 1952 (Photo)
8.18 Order of Stations Sign Fabrication Drawing, 1951
8.19 East Boston Tunnel Order of Stations, Circa 1963
8.20 MTA Rapid Transit System Pamphlet Cover, 1957
8.20 MTA Rapid Transit System Pamphlet Map, 1957
8.22 MTA Token Information Card, 1951
8.26 Brookline Village Station, November 12, 1959 (Photo)
8.27 MTA Highland Branch Pamphlet, 1959
8.28 MTA Highland Branch Advertisement, Circa 1959
8.29 Highland Branch Advertisement, Circa 1959
8.32 Riverside Terminal, June, 1959 (Photo)
8.33 Riverside Terminal, July 4, 1959 (Photo)
8.34 Edward Dana, January 3, 1952 (Photo)
8.35 MTA Modified Express Service Poster, 1960
8.36 MTA Trolley Bus at Fields Corner Station, 1948 (Photo)
8.37 MTA PCC Car at Cleveland Circle Station (Photo)
8.39 MTA Print Advertisement, Circa 1950s
8.41 MTA Fare Map, 1949
8.50 MTA Zoo Advertisement Graphic, 1952
8.51 MTA Advertisement Graphic (Fall), 1952
8.51 MTA Advertisement Graphic (Christmas), 1952
8.51 MTA Advertisement Graphic (Easter), 1952
8.51 MTA Advertisement Graphic (Revere Beach), 1952
8.52 North Station Explosion Aftermath, June 11, 1959 (Photo)
8.56 Cambridge-Dorchester Type 5 Cars, March 1961 (A/E Drawing A)
8.56 Cambridge-Dorchester Type 5 Cars, March 1961 (A/E Drawing B)
8.58 MTA “Blue Bird” Rapid Transit Car, Circa 1963 (Photo)
8.59 MTA “Blue Bird” Order of Stations Sign, 1962
8.61 Mapping the Reading Extension, 1961
8.62 The MTA’s Ten-Year Master Plan Map, 1963
8.63 Locating the Government Center Project, 1959
8.66 The MTA’s Sixteenth Annual Report, 1963
8.67 MTA Route Map, October 23, 1963

Chapter 9: The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
9.1 MBTA First Annual Report Cover, 1965
9.4 Preparing to Improve Harvard Station (Existing), 1966
9.4 Preparing to Improve Harvard Station (Proposed), 1966
9.5 MBTA Symbol Master Sheet, 1966
9.6 MBTA Rapid Transit Lines Map, 1966
9.7 MBTA Lettering Specification Sheet, 1966
9.8 MBTA Printed Materials Specification Sheet M9.7, 1966
9.8 MBTA Printed Materials Specification Sheet M3.2, 1966
9.8 MBTA Printed Materials Specification Sheet M4.0, 1966
9.9 MBTA Vehicle Painting Diagrams for Buses, 1966
9.10 Locations for “T” Station Signage, 1966
9.11 MBTA Line Map (Green), 1966
9.11 MBTA Line Map (Blue), 1966
9.11 MBTA Line Map (Orange), 1966
9.11 MBTA Line Map (Red), 1966
9.13 MBTA Colors Master Sheet (Red), 1966
9.13 MBTA Colors Master Sheet (Green), 1966
9.13 MBTA Colors Master Sheet (Yellow-Orange), 1966
9.13 MBTA Colors Master Sheet (Blue), 1966
9.13 MBTA Colors Master Sheet (Orange), 1966
9.13 MBTA Colors Master Sheet (Light Gray), 1966
9.13 MBTA Colors Master Sheet (Dark Gray), 1966
9.14 Prototypical MBTA Station Signage, 1966
9.15 Station Wall Panel Specification Sheet, 1966
9.16 Station Signage Locations, 1966
9.17 Prototypical MBTA Bus Signage, 1966
9.19 Arlington Station “Before,” 1966 (Photo)
9.20 Arlington Station “After,” 1967 (Photo)
9.21 A Better Way, 1972 (Brochure)
9.26 The T’s Arborway Headquarters, 1974
9.27 MBTA Station Modernization Brochure, 1970
9.28 Station Modernization Round Up, 1970 (Brochure)
9.29 The T’s First Folding System Route Map, 1965
9.30 MBTA System Map, July 1967
9.34 Brochure Advertising the First T Passes (Side A), 1974
9.34 Brochure Advertising the First T Passes (Side B), 1974
9.35 Commuter Rail Zone Fares Brochure, 1974
9.36 MBTA Pass Pamphlet (Side A), 1977
9.36 MBTA Pass Pamphlet (Side B), 1977
9.37 Car Card Advertisement for MBTA Passes, 1978
9.38 MBTA Passes of the Late 1970s (Composite)
9.44 Penn Central/MBTA Rail Diesel Car, Early 1970s
9.45 “Take the Trains to the Patriots Games,” 1974
9.48 MBTA Commuter Rail Coach #301, Circa 1978 (Photo)
9.50 Train at City Square Station, September 14, 1972 (Photo)
9.51 SOAC’s Inaugural Boston Run Invitation (Side A), 1974
9.51 SOAC’s Inaugural Boston Run Invitation (Side B), 1974
9.52 “SOAC is the Now Car!” Brochure (Side A), 1974
9.52 “SOAC is the Now Car!” Brochure (Side B), 1974
9.54 Feature Diagram for Boeing Vertol’s LRV, 1975
9.56 Boston’s Boeing LRV #3400, Circa 1975 (Photo)
9.57 Building the Haymarket Extension, 1970 (Brochure)
9.58 North Station on the Orange Line, 1975 (Photo)
9.61 Malden Center Station Opening Brochure, 1975
9.63 Haymarket-North Extension Brochure (Side A), Circa 1975
9.63 Haymarket-North Extension Brochure (Side B), Circa 1975
9.64 South Shore Extension Brochure (Side A), Late 1960s
9.64 South Shore Extension Brochure (Side B), Late 1960s
9.66 The South Shore Extension Opens, 1971
9.71 “Welcome to The T Party,” 1971
9.72 Red Line Schedule Card (Side A), 1971
9.72 Red Line Schedule Card (Side B), 1971
9.73 South Shore Extension Brochure (Side A), Circa 1970
9.73 South Shore Extension Brochure (Side B), Circa 1970
9.74 Red Line “Silver Birds,” Circa 1969 (Photo)
9.75 01600-Series Red Line Rapid Transit Car, 1970 (A/E Drawing)
9.76 Red Line Type 1 Car Interior, September 5, 1971 (Photo)
9.77 Red Line Type 1 Car Seating Comparisons (Car Card)
9.80 MBTA Annual Report Cover, 1983
9.81 MBTA Folding System Map, 1974
9.82 MBTA Folding System Map, 1974
9.84 MBTA Color Brochure Map, 1974
9.86 MBTA Lynn Transportation Map, 1975
9.89 MBTA PCC Car #3252, 1976 (Photograph)
9.90 Boston & Maine Locomotive #200, 1975 (Photo)
9.91 American Freedom Train Boston Ticket, 1975
9.92 Rapid Transit Lines Map from Red Line “Blue Bird” Cars, Mid-1970s
9.92 Red Line Map from Red Line “Blue Bird” Cars, Mid-1970s
9.97 Southwest Corridor Car Card, 1987
9.100 Southwest Corridor Poster, 1987
9.101 Proposed Blue and Orange Line Cars, Circa 1976 (A/E Drawing)
9.102 Blue Line Hawker-Siddeley Cars (Photo)
9.104 Train of Orange Line Hawker-Siddeley Cars
9.106 Digging Out Along the Line, 1978 (Brochure)
9.108 Red Line to Arlington and Beyond, Early 1970s (Brochure)
9.109 Stations of the Northwest Extension, 1976 (Brochure)
9.110 The Northwest Extension of the Red Line, 1978 (Map)
9.112 Construction at Harvard Square, 1979 (Brochure)
9.114 Building the Northwest Extension, 1982 (Brochure)
9.117 Northwest Extension Car Card (Photo)
9.118 Northwest Extension Brochure, Circa 1985 (Brochure)
9.119 Train of 01700-series Cars, March 12, 2019 (Photo)
9.120 RTS Bus on a Car Card, Circa Early 1987
9.121 RTS Bus at Mattapan Square, Circa 1998–99 (Photo)
9.122 Type 7 LRV Manufacturer’s Brochure (Side A), mid-1980s
9.122 Type 7 LRV Manufacturer’s Brochure (Side B), mid-1980s
9.123 Type 7 LRV Dimensional Drawings, 1984 (A/E Drawing)
9.124 Commuter Rail at North Station, October, 1982 (Photo)
9.125 Commuter Rail on the Southside, March, 1979 (Photo)
9.126 Go Transit Coach in Boston, March 23, 1979 (Photo)
9.127 Controller-Cab #1301, May 25, 1985 (Photo)
9.128 Commuter Rail Brochure Cover, 1983
9.128 Commuter Rail Brochure Map, 1983
9.130 Danvers River Bridge Damage and Repairs, 1985 (Brochure)
9.131 Commuter Rail Coach #1504, March 12, 1989 (Photo)
9.132 MBTA 600-series Push-Pull Coaches (Side A), Circa 1989 (Brochure)
9.132 MBTA 600-series Push-Pull Coaches (Side B), Circa 1989 (Brochure)
9.134 The T’s First Bi-level Coach (Side A), Circa 1990 (Brochure)
9.134 The T’s First Bi-level Coach (Side B), Circa 1990 (Brochure)
9.135 Paper Bi-level Train, Circa 1990
9.137 Nantasket Steamboat Co. Schedule Card (Side A), 1934
9.137 Nantasket Steamboat Co. Schedule Card (Side B), 1934
9.138 Hull & Hingham Ferry Timetable Cover, 1881
9.138 Hull & Hingham Ferry Timetable Map, 1881
9.140 Hingham Ferry Schedule Card, 1986
9.145 MBTA Folding System Map, 1980
9.146 MBTA Folding System Map, 1980
9.147 “Trolleys & Trains: A Kid’s T Guide” (Side A), 1987
9.147 "Trolleys & Trains: A Kid's T Guide" (Side B), 1987
9.148 MBTA Folding System Map (Side A), 1988
9.148 MBTA Folding System Map (Side B), 1988
9.149 MBTA Folding Pocket Map (Side A), 1982
9.149 MBTA Folding Pocket Map (Side B), 1982
9.150 MBTA Folding Pocket Map (Side A), 1985
9.150 MBTA Folding Pocket Map (Side B), 1985
9.151 MBTA Folding Pocket Map (Side A), 1989
9.151 MBTA Folding Pocket Map (Side B), 1989
9.170 MBTA “Boston Passport” Brochure (Side A), 1989
9.170 MBTA “Boston Passport” Brochure (Side B), 1989
9.172 MBTA Folding System Map (Side A), 1992
9.172 MBTA Folding System Map (Side B), 1992
9.173 MBTA Folding System Map (Side B), 1996
9.174 MBTA Folding System Map (Side A), 1996
9.175 Red Line Type 3 Pamphlet (Side A), 1992
9.175 Red Line Type 3 Pamphlet (Side B), 1992
9.176 Pop-up Red Line Car, 1993 (Ephemera)
9.177 1800-series Red Line Cars, March 15, 2018 (Photo)
9.183 Sail Boston 1992 Car Card
9.184 MBTA Type 8 LRV Dimensional Drawings, 1996 (A/E Drawing)
9.185 Trolleys at Packard’s Corner, February 2011 (Photo)
9.191 South Boston Transitway Pamphlet (Side A), Late 1980s
9.191 South Boston Transitway Pamphlet (Side B), Late 1980s
9.193 Silver Line Brochure (Side A), Circa 2000
9.193 Silver Line Brochure (Side B), Circa 2000
9.204 Scollay Under Mosaic Tiles, September 2015 (Photo)
9.218 Dudley Neighborhood Connections Map, 2012 (Links to
9.218 Dudley Bus Connections Map, 2012 (Links to
9.230 Rapid Transit / Key Bus Routes Map, 2014 (Links to
9.231 Mapping the MBTA, 2018 (Links to